Erica's Book:

Always Enough, Never Done

Your Guide to Embodying Badass Healing


Synopsis:  These expansive 2-part series look at the importance of bringing in the body and bringing in compassion, not just on an individual level, but collectively as well in order to live our most badass lives.  

In Volume I, Erica dives into identifying the biggest blocks to healing your nervous system and how to effectively address and heal those on a deep level. She provides dozens of somatic (body-based) and attachment resources in order to move your healing process out of “self-affirmationing” yourself to death, and into “bones-deep” work. The book guides readers through the difficult work of processing through our grief, trauma and shadows, so that we can truly create space for joy, hope, and liberation. 

Volume I is focused on the individual work, practicing nervous system regulation so that you can actually have the capacity for doing deeper work.  This allows us to clear the space out so that we can grow our capacity for joy, and create new, more positive, expansive patterns and lives worth living.

The two volumes look at the importance of bringing in the body and bringing in compassion, not just on an individual level, but collectively. 

Volume II will focus on how we take the individual work we have done out into the world and into our relationships.  How do we show up not only in our relationships with our loved ones and inner community, but how we are addressing collective healing, and pulling the arc of humanity closer to the values of equity, beauty, reciprocity (with each other and with the earth).  

Volume II explores how nervous system regulation affects our relationship with our bodies, relationships with other humans, and how it shows up systemically.  Erica invites readers to take a non-dualistic approach, embracing both the brutality AND the beauty of the human experience.  

Key guideposts of Always Enough, Never Done:

  • The importance of bringing your body into healing and why you can’t “self-affirmation your way outta trauma.” (The book has over 25 somatic based interventions to help folks regulate their nervous system on a deep level) 
  • Cultivating a sense of love and safety in your own system AND improving relationships with other humans
  • How to do the “dirty work” of healing from our past so that we can create space for joy, liberation and a life worth living.  
  • How to set boundaries without being an asshole
  • Practicing nuanced, both/and, non duality thinking in general (ie: the world is brutal AND beautiful)
  • How nervous system regulation relates to collective wounding around racism and other systems of oppression and how we can collectively pull the arc closer to the values of beauty, equity, compassion, accountability and reciprocity.
  • And much more!

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